Weise Farms Wagyu Beef Monthly Meat Club Subscription
Updated: Jan 28
Do you know where your beef comes from? Some jokingly say "The grocery store!" But seriously, do you know?
What if you could get homegrown Texas beef, born and raised on Weise Farms in Lee and Fayette County? What if you were assured that this beef never received hormones, antibiotics or steroids? What if you knew your ground beef did not contain any color enhancers (pink slime) to get that beautiful fresh color? What if you could taste the difference? Once you taste it, you will love it.
The Meat Club is like a CSA Community Supported Agriculture plan with shares or subscriptions of delicious wagyu beef every month.
Here's a little history on how it used to be done.
Back in the old days, farmers formed meat clubs and they would gather together once per month and harvest beef, pork and other meats. They took turns providing the animals and sharing the workload along with the bounty. They all knew where their meat came from. It came from "the country" and was raised just down the road.
Today, most people shop at grocery stores and they don’t really know where their meat comes from. Even worse, they don’t know what country their meat comes from because it is not currently required to list the country of origin on labels. Even if it says "Product of the USA" it just means that it was re-packaged in the USA. Meats raised in other countries and sold in grocery stores are usually less expensive. Do you ever wonder why? What did those animals eat? How were they raised? What supplements were they given? Was the meat treated with any chemicals to kill germs? Was pink slime added to enhance color or flavor? What is pink slime anyway? These are facts that raise awareness. Do you really want to eat something that you know nothing about?
Most people who try our home raised, locally grown and processed ground Wagyu beef for the first time are blown away by the delicious flavor. We never use hormones or antibiotics, ever. Nothing is added to our beef to enhance color or flavor. It is just pure, delicious beef.
Our perfect customer is one who values the work and dedication of local farmers. These are people who care about what they eat. They want to feed their family with nutritious and delicious food. and these are people who care about how the animals are raised.
Our animals are born here and they are happy their entire life. They are loved and cared for.
“The Meat Club” is real Texas raised wagyu beef. You can choose to get 5 pounds of ground Wagyu beef each month, or a variety sampler. Some subscribe to both. We offer free pick-up at set locations in La Grange and Giddings. Your monthly meat club subscription brings predictability to your menu, while helping to keep our local farm sustainable. That’s a win-win for all of us!
Join "The Meat Club" at Weise Farms and receive first-in-line order fulfillment.
The shelves won't be empty for Meat Club subscribers because we plan for your monthly share.
Visit https://www.weisefarms.com/the-meat-club or call Becky at (979) 540-7164 to start enjoying delicious beef every month and taste the difference.