Mickey staggered home and collapsed
Steely, our livestock guardian dog started barking to get our attention. She was insistent, and we believed her. We could tell she was trying to tell us something important. It turned out that she wanted us to know that her sister Mickey was in trouble, and suffering from heat exhaustion, possibly a heat stroke.
Mickey staggered from the wooded area to the house and then collapsed. Thankfully we were home or she may not have survived. Tim quickly wet her down while I rushed to make an electrolyte solution of 6 teaspoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt and a quart of cold water. We also gave her electrolyte paste for animals and a paste of Vitamin B. We followed up with milk for calcium. We are thankful she was able to drink and eat. We fed her raw beef by hand. Steely got some too. All of the treatments seemed to show signs of improvement.
Day one, Mickey just laid around. We could see that her eyes were still bright and she was alert. She could not walk very well. It was as if she were partially paralyzed. With continued treatment, she began to show a little improvement. On day two, she was able to get into a sitting position. And on day three, she was able to walk with a stagger. Thankfully she continues to improve.
Our five-year-old grandson John was here, and he was so helpful. He would wet her down, and talk to her. He made sure she was cool, comfortable and cared for. Mickey rewarded him with lots of love in return. Sometimes her teeth even chattered.

Mickey also felt comforted with Steely nearby. Ducky felt obliged to sit watch nearby. Ducky is our only Indian Runner Duck, given to us by friends who brought her here after Peepers disappeared.
Both Mickey & Steely are getting a reprieve from guard duty as we keep them penned in the shade with misters and a nice soft bed of hay. We are praying that Mickey will be able to do what she loves and guard the pastures from predators once again.
The heat is brutal. And Mickey is overweight, which we believe to be a contributing factor. Steely and Ronnie are both trim. They all get the same portions of food, but for whatever reason, Mickey is stout and she has been her whole life.
Our dogs are part of our family and we love them. Thank you for caring about us and this life of uncertainty here on the farm. Stay hydrated and don’t get overheated as we endure these harsh temperatures.
