Chickens, Geese and Lambs, Oh My!
Can you believe it? Chickens can hold off on laying! When Tim got home yesterday, the door to the chicken run had fallen. Two hens were inside the hen house and the remaining hens were outside in the chicken run. Two beautiful olive eggs were in the nest boxes. Outside in the run, we found one egg on the ground. But when Tim opened the door, all the girls raced to the nest boxes and shared, which they normally do not do. Normally they stand outside the nest box, urging the laying hen to hurry up. But not this time... OMG, we collected a dozen eggs in one hour. I cannot believe they held it all day. Bless their chicken hearts!
You can see the pretty olive eggs below. But WOW! Look at the size of that other egg!!!

Much to our surprise, our Pilgrim Geese gave us their first ever egg. It's huge! So now I'm going to have to call on my geese friends to ask how this works? Do I leave them in the nest? Do I collect and save them? Do they go broody after they lay a clutch? Hoping for answers... so if you know those answers, please give a shout out to let us know.

Another surprise! Twin lambs were born. We have one boy and one girl. Since it was raining, they are a bit muddy, but momma will have them snow white in no time. Now our other little ram boy will have someone to play with.
Yesterday was filled with blessings and surprises. Chickens, Geese and Lambs, Oh My!